首页> 中文期刊>核电子学与探测技术 >SACTI 模式在核电厂冷却塔环境影响预测的应用研究

SACTI 模式在核电厂冷却塔环境影响预测的应用研究



介绍了SACTI模式的原理和计算程序,以某内陆核电厂为案例预测了冷却塔的环境影响。结果表明:冷却塔可见雾羽、荫屏、太阳能损失、水沉积、盐沉积等环境影响主要分布在厂址主导风向下风向的几百米之内,随距离增加影响逐渐减小,盐沉积量最大值出现在距离300 m处。在冷却塔环境影响评价准则和预测模型改进方面还需开展进一步的研究。%The principle and calculation procedures of SACTI model are described .And the environmental im-pacts from the cooling towers in a nuclear power plant inland are assessed .The results show that visible plume , plume shadowing , solar energy loss , water deposition and salt deposition mainly distribute within a few hundred meters downwind to the study plant site .The adverse environmental effects gradually decrease with the increas-ing of distance , but the maximum value of salt deposit appears at the distance of 300 m.More research is re-quired to determine evaluation criteria and to improve prediction models to better understand the adverse envi -ronmental effects .



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