首页> 中文期刊>新世纪图书馆 >人心向善:中华民族的信仰追求——《孟子》思想研读




Mencius' theory of human nature is none other than that of the unified virtues of heaven-human according to his advocacy of idea that man is born with goodness and heaven is created with goodness. Mencius argues that self-cultivation hinges on more attention paid to goodness and fewer done to desires, and further stresses the importance of self-reflection of failures. The theory of goodness seeking and desirability constitutes the Mencius' theory of being good. The details of human's goodness can be seen in the paragon behaviors illustrated and regulated by Mencius. His value orientation describes that one should devote himself to goodness even at cost of life, which is demonstrated by his discourse on the thoughts of life for justice and the invincible government by benevolence. The idea of benevolence and love that is representative of the theory of all minds for goodness, is bestowed to people by Mencius as a guide of pursuit of faith. The concept of way in Mencius will brighten the present-day and future China and world with its timeless, borderless, and everlasting charm.%孟子主张"人性本善","天性本善",所以他的人性论就是天人合德论;孟子认为修身就在于"存心"与"寡欲",并强调"反求诸己"在修养中的重要作用;"求善""可欲"构成孟子"为善论"的内容;为了具体展现人的为善,孟子欲通过对"大人"的行径的描述和规定来实现这一点;人心向善,一切为善,哪怕牺牲生命,孟子通过他的"舍生取义"思想的论述证明了这一价值取向;孟子认为实行仁政者将无敌于天下;最能表征"人心向善"的"仁爱"是孟子给人们指明的信仰追求;存在于《孟子》之中的"道",必将以其超越时空、跨越国度、富有永恒魅力的特性,光耀现实和未来的中国与世界.



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