首页> 中文期刊>世界科学技术-中医药现代化 >东方西方文化融合,共创未来医学模式--第十一届世界中医药大会开幕式致辞




2014年10月1-2日,由世界中医药学会联合会(简称:世界中联)主办的“第十一届世界中医药大会”在俄罗斯圣彼得堡隆重举行。在“东方西方文化融合,共创未来医学模式”主题的凝聚下,会议探讨了关于如何进一步加快中医药国际化进程的诸多问题。本文是佘靖主席大会致辞,概况了11年来世界中医药大会的发展历程和取得的成果总结,并展望了中医药未来发展之路,言简意赅。我刊在此全文发表,以飨广大读者。%The 11th World Congress of Chinese Medicine (WCCM) was hosted on Oct. 1st to 2nd in Saint Petersburg in Rus-sia by the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS). The congress is dedicated to the globalization of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In cohesion"to integrate East and West cultural, to create a better fu-ture medical model"theme, the conference explored the many questions about how to further accelerate the process of internationalization of Chinese medicine. This article is the speech of She Jing President of the General Assem-bly. This article summarizes the 11 years' development process of the World Congress of Chinese Medicine and the results achieved. This article also looks the way for future development of Chinese medicine, and concise. Our peri-odical hereby published in a publication to satisfy readers.



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