首页> 中文期刊>现代城市研究 >我国“强镇扩权”政策的理论渊源及嬗变历程




The ‘Developing towns devolution’ is the concern of the society in the process of the development of small towns in recent years. Many scholars have carried out extensive research on the motivation, route, and performance of the policy. Stating from the origin of the decentralization thought, this paper elaborates the process of decentralization from the foreign to the domestic events in the context of time. It pays close attention to the decentralization history in China until the emergence of the policy reform. This policy is an inevitable phenomenon with the worldwide decentralization reform trend. This paper also hopes that it can provide a better research forum for the subsequent study with such accurately grasping the theoretical source.%“强镇扩权”是近年来小城镇发展过程中社会各界关注的热点问题,诸多学者就该项改革的动因、途径、绩效等方面已经开展了广泛的研究。本文从分权思想的起源开始,由国外至国内以时间的脉络对世界的分权历程进行了较为全面的梳理,重点关注我国分权思想的提出直至“强镇扩权”改革的出现,可以看出,该项政策是随着世界性分权改革趋势产生的一种必然现象。通过较为准确地掌握其学理出处,为后续改革内容的深入能够建立更好的研究平台。



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