首页> 中文期刊> 《现代电子技术》 >基于T6963C的出租车计费大屏幕显示屏设计




出租车计费器以单片机AT89C51为主控制模块采集时钟芯片DS1302的时间数据,以显示系统时间;以脉冲信号模拟的A44E传感器采集的车轮转动数据脉冲信号作为计费依据;用以T6963C为驱动的液晶显示器LM3229作为显示模块,实现时间、金额、单价等信息的显示。以独立按键实现对该系统的控制,按键有计费开始、计费停止、时间调整、单价调整、计费方式的切换等。%The taxi charging device taking single-chip microcomputer AT89C51 as its main controller is studied in this pa-per. It gets time information from the clock chip DS1302 to display the system time. The count is realized by the wheel rotation data pulse simulated the pulse signal and collected by the A44E sensor as billing basis. The liquid crystal display LM3229 driv-en by T6963C is adopted as the display module to display information of time,total sum and unit price. The independent key-boards are used to control the system. The keyboards have the switch functions of billing begin,billing stop,time adjustment, unit price adjustment and billing mode.



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