首页> 中文期刊>现代教育科学(高教研究) >高等教育对经济增长的贡献和关联研究--以浙江省为例




通过浙江省近年的经济增长及高等教育发展数据,可测算出浙江省高等教育对经济增长的贡献率。与其他省份及全国水平进行对比,可发现浙江省高等教育对经济增长率的贡献度处在全国领先水平,但离一些发达国家还是有不少的差距。本研究运用灰色关联分析方法,分析了浙江省高等教育与经济发展之间的相关性,据此对浙江省高等教育的发展提出了若干有针对性的建议。%This paper estimates the contribution rate of higher education to economic growth through the data of Zhejiang economic growth and development of higher education in recent years, and carries on the compara-tive analysis with other provinces and countries, it is concluded that contribution of higher education to eco-nomic growth of Zhejiang province is in the national leading level, but there are still many gaps between Zhe-jiang province and some developed countries. The paper uses grey correlation method to study the correlation between higher education and economic development in Zhejiang province and puts forward some suggestions on the development of higher education in Zhejiang province.



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