首页> 中文期刊>现代远距离教育 >美国高校在线教学专业化发展框架的建构及其启示




美国高校在线教育的质量与在线教学专业化发展的方式有十分密切的联系,这些专业发展方式在帮助高校教师实施在线教学实践和重建在线环境下教师形象等方面发挥着重要的作用。2014年美国爱荷华州立大学教授科雷亚与巴兰共同提出了一个可嵌套的在线教学专业化发展框架,该框架试图把美国高校中成功的在线教学看作是三个层次的支持活动相互作用的结果,这三个层次分别是教学层次、共同体层次和组织层次。该框架对我国高校在线教学的专业化发展提供了深刻的启示和借鉴:我们应搭建个性化的在线教学专业化发展支持系统;建构在线“教师学习共同体”机制;塑造“协作共生”的在线文化环境。%The development of the quality of online education has a very close relationship with meeting the demand of online teaching in higher education .These methods play an important role in helping teachers to implement online teaching practice and re -construction under the environment of network image .This study presents a professional development framework which can be nested in online teaching .The framework tries to put in higher education online teaching success as three level support activities in the result of the interaction .The three levels are teaching level , community level and organizational level .This frame provides references to the pro-fessional development of online teaching in our country:we should build a personalized online teacher professional development support system, construction of online teacher professional development of the "community"mode, shaping the online cultural environment .



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