首页> 中文期刊>现代远距离教育 >教师信息化教学领导力:概念、内涵与调查分析




随着近年来分布式领导理论的发展,教学领导力不再特指校长等学校管理者的教学领导力。目前的研究把教学领导力分为宏观、中观和微观三个层次,即各级教育行政部门、校长等学校管理者、一线教师三个层次。而一线教师作为教学的践行者,教师教学领导应该是最直接的教学领导。另一方面,随着教育信息化的推进,教师教学领导力又不可避免地带上信息化的特征,将信息技术深度融合到教学过程中去,促进信息化背景下的教师专业发展,乃至推动学校信息化发展等等。因此,在信息化背景下的教师教学领导力:即教师信息化教学领导力应运而生,而对其进行深入的研究尤为重要。本文在研究教育信息化背景下教师教学领导力发展变化的基础上,首次提出教师信息化教学领导力的概念、基本构成和理论模型,并依据其理论模型进行了教师信息化教学领导力现状的调查,最后提出相应的提升策略,以期抛砖引玉,推动信息化背景下教师教学领导力理论与实践的发展。%With the development of distributed leadership theory in recent years , instructional leadership is no longer specified principal and other school managers .The present study divides instructional leadership into macro , meso and micro three levels,and the three levels are the education administrative departments , the principal and other school managers , first-line teachers .Teachers as the teaching practitioners , teachers'instructional leadership should be the most direct instructional leadership .On the other hand , with the advancement of education informatization , teachers'instructional leadership inevitably takes the informatization characteristic , deeply integrating information technology into the teaching process , promoting teachersp'rofessional development under the informatiza -tion background ,even promoting the school informationization development and so on .So the teachers'informatization instructional leadership arises at the historic moment , and on the in-depth research is particularly important .On the basis of researching the devel-opment and changes of teachers'instructional leadership under the background of education informatization , this paper will put forward the concept, basic structure and theory model of the teachers 'informatization instructional leadership , investigate the present situation of the teachers'informatization instructional leadership according to the theory model , and finally put forward the corresponding promotion strategies,with a view to initiate and to promote the development of the informationization background of teachers 'instructional leader-ship theory and practice .



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