首页> 中文期刊>现代远距离教育 >技术支持的教育创新与协同发展--第13届教育技术国际论坛综述




第13届教育技术国际论坛(The 13th International Forum of Educational Technology)于2014年10月18日至10月19日在中国·无锡·江南大学举行。本届论坛吸引了来自加拿大、日本、中国台湾等国家和地区的五百余位专家、中青年学者及硕、博研究生参加。论坛的13场大会报告、64场分论坛报告围绕着技术促进教学变革、教育信息化资源与环境建设、教育技术学科与专业发展、数字化学习环境下的教学设计与教师发展等核心议题,展示了大量优秀的研究成果。在技术促进教学变革方面,参会者主要从技术如何从根本上变革学与教的方式这一角度展开了讨论;在教育信息化资源与环境建设方面,投入绩效已经开始引起研究者的重视;在教育技术学科与专业发展方面,参会者的探讨突显了教育技术学专业的社会服务属性以及一个学科和专业本身与社会的互动性;在数字化学习环境下的教学设计与教师发展方面,数字化教学设计模式的可推广性与教师专业可持续发展,是参会者重点探讨的话题。%The 13th International Forum of Educational Technology was held on Oct18th to 19th, 2014 in Jiangnan University in Wuxi, China. More than 500 experts, young and middle-aged researchers, graduate students and PhD students from Canada, Japan and other countries and districts attended the forum. Many outstanding research findings were showed in 13 keynote reports and 64 sub forum reports involving the following subjects:technology enhanced teaching and learning change, construction of educational informati-zation resources and environments,development of educational technology, instructional design and faculty development in digital envi-ronment. For the subject of technology enhanced teaching and learning changing, participants discussed the way in which technology changed learning and teaching. Investment performance has been taken seriously when researchers talking about the construction of ed-ucational informatization resources and environments. For the development of educational technology, the service properties of this sub-ject and its interaction with the society have been discussed. The popularization of digital instructional design model and the sustainable development of teachers' professional development have been focused on.



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