首页> 中文期刊>现代远距离教育 >教师整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)境脉因子模型构建研究




TPACK is a new teacher knowledge framework IT era, and TPACK knowledge itself is considered to be affected by the new multi-factor"ill-structured", the teacher for the acquisition and application of knowledge TPACK affected by multiple factors, such factors collectively referred to as " ( context)". Through literature research and the development of the Delphi method "TPACK territory pulse scale factor test", 220 primary and secondary school teachers selected as test subjects through the SPSS statistical analy-sis software for the recovery of 211 valid test scale project analysis and factor analysis, extracted include national and regional factors, school factors, human factors, factors affecting teacher training, career development affect, motivation and self-efficacy factors influ-encing factors pulse factor throughout the seven categories, and built environment TPACK pulse factor model.%整合技术的学科专业知识( TPACK)是信息技术时代全新的教师知识结构框架,而TPACK本身被认为是受多因素影响的“结构不良”的新知识,教师对于TPACK知识的习得和应用受多因素影响,这类因素统称为“境脉因子( context)”。本研究首先通过文献研究法和德尔菲法制定“TPACK境脉因子测试量表”,选取220名中小学老师作为被试对象,接下来,通过SPSS统计分析软件对211份有效回收的测试量表进行项目分析和因素分析,萃取出包含国家和地区影响因素、学校影响因素、人为影响因素、教师培训影响因素、职业发展影响、动机影响因素和自我效能影响因素七类境脉因子,并构建了TPACK境脉因子模型。



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