首页> 中文期刊>现代远程教育研究 >新媒体、新技术体验学习的设计与实践




新媒体、新技术正以各种方式广泛而深刻地影响社会的方方面面,但是其在教育中的应用情况究竟如何?在新理念构建下的体验式学习环境中开展新媒体、新技术的学习是一个全新的课题。目前教师和学生对教学中引入新媒体与新技术并未给予足够的重视,一个很重要的原因是缺乏相应的学习体验。体验学习在促进学习者知识理解、激发学习者主动性、培养批判性思维等方面有积极影响。基于新媒体、新技术进行体验学习时,一方面要使物理环境遵循未来课堂、体验学习、场馆学习环境设计基本理念,以人为本,重视多角度、多方式地对事物进行呈现,尽可能地促进学习者直接经验的获取和反思;另一方面在体验学习活动设计时要将具体体验、反思观察、抽象概括、行动应用四个学习阶段贯穿其中,充分利用物理环境所提供的空间和技术支持,把获取经验(感知经验和领悟经验)与转换经验结合起来,实现体验学习过程的螺旋上升。%  The new media and new technology are extensively and profoundly influencing every aspect of the society in a various ways, but what about their applications in education? It is a brand new topic to build the experiential learning environment and implement learning with new media and new technology. At present, both teachers and students haven't paid enough attention to introducing new media and new technology to teaching and learning. A very important reason is lack of relevant learning experience. In fact, experiential learning has a positive impact in promoting knowledge understanding, arousing learner's initiative and cultivating critical thinking. During experiential learning with new media and new technology, we should, on one hand, make the physical environment in compliance with the basic design of future classroom, experiential learning and museum learning environment, presenting things from various angles with various means and facilitating learners acquisition of direct experience and reflection. On the other hand, we should integrate the following four learning stages into activity design: specific experience, reflective observation, generalization and action application, making full use of the spatial and technical support of the physical environment, combining experience acquisition (experience perceived and understood) with experience transformation, in order to realize a spiral-up in the process of experiential learning.



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