首页> 中文期刊>现代远程教育研究 >高校精品课程网站建设阻碍因素与有效传播策略




精品课程网站既是精品课程建设和共享的载体,也是课程资源呈现和评价的窗口。目前我国高校精品课程网站建设现状不容乐观,在网站信息组织方面,栏目设置混乱,信息表现形式单一枯燥,网站平台色调不符合学科特征;在网站功能方面,资源共享程度偏低,偏重内容展示但忽略了和学生的互动,这在一定程度上阻碍了精品课程资源的开放与共享。从使用者的需求来看,精品课程网站导航栏目建设应进一步规范化;信息表示方式应多元化,充分发挥其媒介功能;网站平台结构应相对稳定,风格与色彩应符合学科特征;交互方式应多样化,资源获取途径应具有针对性。%  Quality course websites are not only the carrier of the construction and sharing of quality courses, but also windows for course resource presentation and evaluation. At present, the construction of quality course website in Chinese colleges and universities is not satisfactory. Some problems need to be solved in website information organization, such as chaotic arrangement of columns, monotonous information presentation, and tonal discrepancy of the website platform with the disciplinary characteristics. There are problems with website functionality, such as low degree of sharing, emphasis on content display and negligence of interaction with students. These problems, to some extent, have hindered the openness and sharing of course resources. In terms of user demand, the navigation columns for quality course websites should be further standardized. Information presentation should be diversified so as to fully exert the media function. The structure of website platforms should be relatively stable, and the styles and the color schemes should comply with disciplinary characteristics. finally, interaction means should be diversified and resource access should be well-targeted.



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