首页> 中文期刊>现代远程教育研究 >社区教育的社会效益评价问题




《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》提出要广泛开展城乡社区教育,以构建学习型社会。这不仅明确了社区教育发展的目标,更明确了社区教育的社会责任。社区教育具有“教育属性”和“社会属性”两种本质特征,但目前在社区教育实践中往往重视其教育功能而对其社会功能的关注度明显薄弱,社区教育研究中也缺乏社会效益的研究。社区教育的社会效益是指社区教育活动对教育目标群体和当地社会所作出的贡献及其产生的积极影响。社区教育社会效益评价是对社区教育活动所产生的社会效应的持续评价活动。其社会效益评价意义:一是推进构建完整的社区教育评价体系;二是全面促进社区教育工作。社区教育社会效益的抽象性、迟滞性和不易测量性的特性,使其社会效益评价更适合采用综合测评和质性研究的方法,呈现评价客体的多元性、评价内容的复杂性、评价主体的协同性、评价实施的全方位和持续性的特点。%  The Planning Outline of National Medium and Long-term Educational Reform and Development(2010-2020) advocates widespread promotion of rural and urban community education in order to build up the learning-oriented society, which explicitly stipulates not only the aim of community education, but also its social responsibility. In nature, community education has both educational attributes and social attributes. In practice, however, its educational function is emphasized whereas its social function is obviously not. The social benefits of community education are not well studied. The social benefits of community education refer to the contributions and positive influences made through community education activities to the target groups and local communities. Social benefit evaluation is the continuous evaluation of social effect made by community education activities. The significance of such evaluations is to promote the construction of a complete evaluation system for community education and to encourage its overall implementation. The abstract, retardative and unmeasurable features of social benefit make synthetical evaluation and qualitative research method more appropriate, characterized with diversification of evaluation objects, complicity of evaluation contents, cooperativity of evaluation subjects, and comprehensiveness and continuity of evaluation implementation.



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