首页> 中文期刊>现代交际 >专利审稿与学术期刊审稿制度的比较




Patents are intended for property rights delimitation of applied scientific and technological achievements with prospects of industrial application, which requires a rigorous and operable review system; Academic journals serves the frontier of disciplines which is an active and dynamic field for which immediate evaluations and verdicts are,in essence,both improbable and unnecessary. This article makes a rational comparison between the two review systems from the fol owing four aspects: the classifications and grades of review results, the division of periods of time,personnel, organizations and division of labor,writing requirements and evaluating standards. It aims to use each other system as a mirror in the comparison so as to offer constructive suggestions.%专利面向的是具有工业实用前景的应用科技成果的产权界定,需要有严格的可操作的制度准绳;学术期刊面对的是学科的前沿,这是一个活跃的、动态的,本质上不可能也不必要马上获得评价定论的领域。本文从审查结果的类型和等级,时间阶段的划分,人员、机构和分工,撰写要求和评价标准四方面将专利审稿与学术期刊审稿制度进行理性对比,旨在以彼为镜,提出有益的建议。



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