首页> 中文期刊> 《现代临床护理》 >住院患者参与患者安全真实体验的质性研究




Objective To explore the experience of inpatients in self-safety management in order to take relevant measures to meet the needs of patients to promote the patient's participation in patient safety management. Methods In-depth semi-structured interviews were undertaken and a total of 11 inpatients in one first-class grade A hospital were interviewed.The acquired data by inter-viewing were analyzed using Colaizzi's phenomenological methodology. Result Three themes were extracted:(1)feeling poor commu-nication with medical staffs during participation; (2)no access to disease-related information; (3)inability to participate in self-safety management. Conclusions There are still many problems in the management and implementation of patients'participation in patient safety. The relevant departments should take appropriate measures to promote communication between medical staffs and patients, strengthen patient health education and optimize access to information for patients.%目的 了解住院患者参与安全的真实体验,以期采取针对性措施满足患者的参与需求,促进患者参与患者安全的全面开展.方法 采用质性研究中的现象学研究方法,对11例住院患者进行半结构式深入访谈,并运用Colaizzi分析法对资料进行整理分析.结果 住院患者参与患者安全的体验归纳出3个主题:感知参与安全沟通不畅、感知参与安全信息不足和感知参与安全能力不足.结论 住院患者参与患者安全还存在较多问题和阻碍,应积极鼓励患者参与自身的安全管理,加强医(护)患沟通与交流,为患者提供及时、准确、全面的信息支持,并制订个性化参与方案,促进患者参与患者安全管理.



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