首页> 中文期刊>气象 >2017年10月大气环流和天气分析




2017年10月环流特征如下:极涡呈偶极型,中高纬地区西风带为4波型分布,西太平洋副高强度较常年偏强、位置明显偏西.全国平均降水量46.2 mm,较常年同期(35.8 mm)偏多29%,为1961年以来第八高;全国平均气温10.6℃,较常年同期(10.3℃)偏高0.3℃.10月我国的大范围降水过程有6次,主要冷空气过程3次,其中8-10日降水过程伴随冷空气活动,给西北地区东部、华北中南部、东北南部带来该地区该季节较罕见的大范围强降水.2017年第20号台风卡努10月中旬登陆广东雷州半岛,给华南带来大风、降水.下旬我国北方出现一次雾-霾天气过程.%The main characteristics of the general atmospheric circulation in October 2017 are as follows.The polar vortex showed a dipole pattern.The circulation presented a four-wave pattern in middle-high latitudes.The northwestern Pacific subtropical high was stronger and remarkably more westward extended than normal.The monthly mean precipitation amount was 46.2 mm,which is 29% more than normal (35.8 mm),ranking the top 8th since 1961.The monthly mean temperature was 10.6℃,0.3℃ higher than normal.There were six large-range heavy rainfall processes and three cold air processes over China,of which the rainfall process from 8 to 10 October was accompanied by cold airs,resulting a rarely-seen large-range heavy rainfall in Autumn over North China.On 16 October,Typhoon Khanun (1720) made landfall at Leizhou Peninsula,Guangdong,bringing gale and rainfall to South China.In late October northern China suffered a fog-haze event.



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