首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >中国共产党新民主主义革命时期医学教育发展与启示




The Chinese Communist Party carried out district medical education ,they mainly adhere to the teaching of with equal emphasis on ethics and medicine, to the principles of theoretical and practical teaching combined, to the combination of Chinese and Western philosophy of ed-ucation this period, and cultivated a large number of medical personnel for the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberating War in the liberated areas during the new democratic revolution , which played an important role for the victory of the new democratic revolution and construction.At the same time, some of the practices such as strengthen the prevailing culture of medical education in medicine and medical ethics education , estab-lishing intimate doctor-patient relationship, and focus on the practicality and effectiveness of medical education at that times , which reference for our modern medicine education and reform.%新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党在革命根据地和苏区兴办医学校,这时期的医学教育主要是坚持医德与医术相并重的教学方针;坚持理论与实际相结合的教学原则;坚持中西医相结合的教育理念,为抗日战争、解放战争培养了大量医学人才,对新民主主义革命的胜利和解放区建设起到重要的作用。同时,新民主主义革命时期建设的医学校在加强医学文化和医德医风教育方面,取得了较大的成效,建立了和谐的医患关系。在教学方法上,注重医学教育的实用性和实效性,并取得了较好教学效果。因此,新民主主义革命时期的医学教育的发展,对于当今医学教育改革也有着重要的借鉴作用。



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