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Medical Recapitulate



近年来,学者对脊髓神经刺激( SCS)在心血管病方面的作用进行了广泛的研究,提示其可降低冠心病患者心绞痛的发生率,提升患者生活质量;降低心肌梗死面积;改善心力衰竭的左心室功能,并减少室性心律失常及房性心律失常的发生。虽然SCS为心血管疾病的研究和防治提供了新的思路和方法,具有良好的应用前景,但是其具体机制尚不清楚,其安全性和有效性也有待进一步研究论证。%In recent years,scholars have done extensive research on spinal cord stimulation(SCS) role in cardiovascular diseases,suggesting that it can reduce the incidence of angina in patients with cardiovascu -lar diseases,reduce the infarct size of myocardium,improve patients′quality of life,improve left ventricular function,and reduce the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias and atrial arrhythmias .Although SCS provides new ideas and methods for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and has a good application prospects,its specific mechanism is not clear yet, and the safety and effectiveness still needs to be further studied.



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