首页> 中文期刊> 《测控技术》 >基于STM32的单炮火控解算系统




Netted fire controlling and distributed processing are a trend of future fire control system. As an important part of single fire control system, the reliability, stability and cost are very important to enhance combat efficiency. A single-chip micro-controller STM32 series based on ARM Cortex M3 architecture is used to implement a single fire control calculation. By designing its hardware and software based on one kind of antiaircraft gun, it is proved that using STM32 to calculate firing data of its firing table is feasible. The stability, reliability, efficiency and so on of the fire control calculation based on STM32 series are also discussed%网络化火控和分布式处理是未来火控系统的发展趋势,单炮火控系统作为网络化火控系统的重要组成部分,其可靠性、稳定性和成本等因素对作战效能发挥至关重要.阐述了一种基于ARM Cortex M3架构的STM32系列微控制器的单炮火控解算实现方法.通过软硬件设计,并基于某高炮火控射表解算射击诸元,论证了STM32作为单炮火控计算机进行火控解算的可行性.还讨论了STM32用于火控解算的稳定性、可靠性与效率等因素.



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