首页> 中文期刊>制造技术与机床 >基于冗余信息的STL模型快速切片算法




At present,slicing algorithm based on STL model is widely used.The reconstruction of the topological relations and the acquisition of the ordered intersections are the main influencing factors of the slicing ef ficiency.A fast slicing algorithm based on redundant information was proposed after analyzing STL storage features.Firstly,triangles intersecting only the tangent plane were extracted.Secondly,the intersections of the tangent triangle and the tangent plane were calculated,and intersections were stored in a temporary array.The intersections repeating were seen as redundant information.Third,topological relations according to the redundant information were determined,and the ordered intersections were obtained and then they were deleted from the array.The ordered intersections had formed a closed polygon only when there was no information redundancy for the intersection in the array.Remaining closed polygons could be gained using above method until the temporary array was empty.The feasibility and stability of the algorithm are proved by examples.%目前3D打印技术广泛采用基于STL模型的切片算法,而拓扑关系的重建与有序交点的获取则是切片效率的主要影响因素.在分析STL文件信息存储特点的基础上,提出了一种基于冗余信息的快速切片算法.首先建立与当前切平面相交的三角形集合,求出集合中各三角形与切平面的交点信息并存入临时数组,将坐标值重复的交点视为冗余信息;然后根据冗余信息确定三角形间的拓扑关系,并据此确定各交点的次序,同时将已知次序的交点信息从临时数组中删除,若数组中已不存在某交点的信息冗余,则判定有序点列已形成一个封闭的截面轮廓;再采用上述方法,得到当前切层内可能存在的其余封闭轮廓,直到临时数组为空.通过实例验证,证明该算法的可行性与稳定性.



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