首页> 外文期刊>文学与艺术研究:英文版 >The Third Space of Northern Ireland: An Analysis of Seamus Heaney’s Bog Poems from Postcolonial Theory

The Third Space of Northern Ireland: An Analysis of Seamus Heaney’s Bog Poems from Postcolonial Theory

机译:The Third Space of Northern Ireland: An Analysis of Seamus Heaney’s Bog Poems from Postcolonial Theory

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In the decade after 1969,Heaney reached the climax of his poetry composition,in which he published four volumes of poetry,Door into the Dark,Wintering Out,North and Field Work to explore the nature and origin of the hatred and violence in Northern Ireland.The thesis focuses on five representative bog poems written in the period to explain according to Homi K.Bhabha’s postcolonial theory how the bog bodies configurate the hybrid space and how it reflects the Third Space of Northern Ireland.Furthermore,the thesis argues that from the construction of the Third Space,Heaney achieves temporary harmony between his artistic and realistic responsibility.




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