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An Interpretation of Nietzsche’s Will to Power Thought in The Razor’s Edge

机译:An Interpretation of Nietzsche’s Will to Power Thought in The Razor’s Edge

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The Razor’s Edge is one of the most important works of British postmodern novelist Somerset Maugham in his later years.It condenses Maugham’s thinking about the meaning of life.Maugham created three typical characters in his novel The Razor’s Edge.Larry is the incarnation of superman in Nietzsche’s theory of the will to power.He transcends himself,successfully fights for the old moral shackles,and pursues freedom on a transcendental pilgrimage.And the other kind of people in the works are the late man who represent the social celebrities such as Eliot and Isabel who pursue money and fame to satisfy their vanity.When the Western economy fell into crisis,the spiritual crisis of the last man also intensified,which led to the alienation of human nature.In the study of The Razor’s Edge,this paper tries to analyze the reasons why the different values of the protagonists,Eliot,Larry and Isabel,lead to their different endings through Nietzsche’s theory of the will to power.




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