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The Establishment of Female Authority of Voice in The Company of Wolves

机译:The Establishment of Female Authority of Voice in The Company of Wolves

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The Company of Wolves is one of the most famous short stories written by Angela Carter,which is adapted from Charles Perrault’s fairy tale,Little Red Riding Hood.As a feminist writer,Carter realizes the misunderstanding and distortion of female images in traditional fairy tales in the shadow of patriarchal dominance.In The Company of Wolves Carter remained the main characters and plot of the original work,but she creatively fulfilled the story with her feminist thoughts,such as the new image of the protagonist,the unexpected plot and ending.In this novel,the smart and sexy Little Red Riding Hood’s journey to the forest deserves our attention,for which is no longer an ordinary visit to her grandmother,but a wonderful adventure as well as an inevitable way for female to establish their authority of voice.




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