首页> 中文期刊>图书馆 >谈我国公共图书馆法人治理结构的建立和完善--基于中美公共图书馆治理结构的比较分析




源于公司管理需要的法人治理结构,近年来在公益性服务领域得到扩展和应用,公共图书馆也在探索法人治理结构的建立。法人治理结构由决策层、管理层、监督层构成,三方相互协调与制约,而理事会是法人治理结构的核心。对比美国图书馆完善的理事会制度与我国现行的图书馆治理特点,可以看出在我国推行法人治理结构的重要性。近些年,法人治理结构已在我国个别图书馆开展试点,分析其发展现状及问题,需从政策法规、政府、理事会几方面着手,进一步完善我国公共图书馆法人治理结构。%Based on the corporate governance structure needed by 3the company’s management, together with the extension and application achieved in the public service, the ifeld of public libraries also explore the way of establishing corporate governance structure. The corporate governance structure consists of decision-making, management and supervision layers, which coordinate and restrict each other. However, the Council is the core of corporate governance structure. Comparing the perfect system of the Council of the American Library with the characteristic of China’s current system of governance, you can see the importance of the implementation of the corporate governance structure in our country. In recent years, corporate governance has been carried out in some individual libraries in order to analyze the current situation and development issues. Only rooting from the policies and regulations from the government, the Council can further improvement be made in the corporate governance structure of public library.



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