首页> 中文期刊>语言与翻译(汉文版) >汉语文化词习得实证研究——基于汉文化圈与非汉文化圈留学生的比较




A sample survey on Chinese-culture-loaded words acquisition is conducted among 83 international students whose Chinese levels are intermediate or advanced. We analyze the differences between Chinese-cultural circle students and non Chinese-cultural circle students. The results are as follows. 1) There is a significant differ- ence in quantity of acquisition between them; 2) Their receptive knowledge of culture-loaded words is better than productive knowledge, especially for the latter. 3) The difference in depth of acquisition is also very significant be- tween them. We try to explain these results with interview data. Finally we make some suggestions on teaching Chi- nese culture and culture-loaded words.%为了了解留学生习得汉语文化词的状况,以问卷形式调查了83个中高级汉语水平留学生,将之分为汉文化圈与非汉文化圈进行比较分析,发现他们在文化词习得总量上存在十分显著的差异;他们的文化词接受性习得都好于产出性习得,尤其是非汉文化圈留学生,这两者差异十分显著;他们在文化词习得深度上也存在十分显著的差异。该结果还得到访谈数据的进一步印证。



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