首页> 中文期刊>风景园林 >服务于城市花园景观的生物多样性设计




城市花园是城市风景园林的重要空间类型,虽在城市绿地系统分类体系之外,但在人们生活中却扮演重要角色的绿色空间。增加城市花园的生物多样性特征是提高城市花园景观质量和城市空间效能的的重要途径之一,也是人们通过花园生物多样性感知进一步认知、体验关注更大尺度环境多样性性与生物多样性,并开展生物多样性教育的有力切入点。通过分析美国纽约都市农场、法国巴黎花卉公园、法国明日之花园等多个国外城市花园生物多样性设计经典案例,总结出直接提高场地生物多样性、寓意表达对生物多样性的关注、历史文化与生物多样性的结合和市民文化参与生物多样性设计4类不同的城市花园生物多样性设计类型,并在此基础上提出了城市花园生物多样性设计框架。%Urban garden is an important space of urban landscape architecture. It plays an active role in daily life for urban residents although it is not included in urban green space system. To enhance the biodiversity in urban garden is one of the best ways to improve the quality and space effects of urban garden landscape. It is also an important way for individual to take care of environment diversity, biodiversity and biodiversity education of larger-scale environment through the experience of urban garden. Based on analyzing the classic cases of biodiversity design in foreign urban garden, such as New York urban farming garden, Paris flowers and plants garden and garden of tomorrow, this paper summarizes four different types of biodiversity design methods for urban garden and proposes the biodiversity design framework of urban gardens.



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