首页> 中文期刊> 《实验动物科学》 >纸质包装箱的灭菌条件及其在屏障环境下的存放时限




目的 研究实验动物纸质包装箱的灭菌条件及其在屏障环境下的存放时限.方法 将包装箱用预真空高压蒸汽法灭菌,比较不同灭菌时间的灭菌效果;将彻底灭菌的包装箱在屏障环境下存放,检测不同存放时长下细菌生长情况.结果 采用预真空高压蒸汽灭菌法抽真空3次、干燥5 min、121℃、25 min的灭菌条件能较彻底灭菌;存放时间3天以内,细菌检出率低.结论 要实现包装箱灭菌彻底,灭菌时间需25 min;灭菌后的包装箱最好随灭随用,在屏障环境下存放的时间以不超过3天为宜.%0bjective To investigate the optimal condition of the SPF Laboratory animal paper conveniance box and the expiry date in the barrier system. Methods Take out vacuum 3 times,dry 5 mins,121℃ , respectively put out the different time to the conveyance packing box. The 8terilizing packing boxes in the bamer system were monitored with the different time reapectively to compare. Results and Conclusion Under the following procedures( to obtain vacuum , pumping the container 3times,drying for 5 min st 121 ℃ , and heating for 25min)germ free condition can be achieved , The 8torage expiry period in barriea systemia within three days.



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