首页> 中文期刊>实验动物与比较医学 >《美国公共卫生署人道管理和使用实验动物政策》(2015年版)简介




《美国公共卫生署人道管理和使用实验动物政策》(以下简称PHS实验动物政策)是美国实验动物福利法律体系的重要组成部分,是政府部门实施实验动物行业管理的主要规范,是在科学研究活动中管理和使用实验动物的依据.《PHS实验动物政策》覆盖了所有美国公共卫生署(PHS)资助的涉及到实验动物的科学研究活动.美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)下属的实验动物福利办公室负责《PHS实验动物政策》的监督执行,并于2015年6月对《PHS实验动物政策》进行了最新修订.通过本文介绍,为行业同仁了解和学习美国实验动物福利相关法规,借鉴美国实验动物福利保护方法和经验,人道管理和使用动物开展科学研究提供参考.%《Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals》 is an important part of the legal system of laboratory animal welfare in the United States.It is the main policy for U.S.government to implement the management of laboratory animal industry,and also the foundation for caring and using laboratory animals in scientific research.The PHS Policy covers all the research activities conducted or supported by the Public Health Service (PHS).The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare,National Institute of Health (NIH),which has responsibility for the general administration and coordination of the Policy,revised the PHS Policy in June 2015.The authors translated the full-text PHS Policy into Chinese and provided reference to understand and study the laws and regulations on laboratory animal welfare of U.S.The essay may be used for reference to learn the methods and experience on humane care and use of laboratory animals.



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