首页> 中文期刊>浙江艺术职业学院学报 >美术史学视域下的音乐图像学研究--以《根特祭坛画》为例




Art history and music history are two studies independent of each other. Artists, who are active and excel in both fields, find it hard to choose between the two. This dilemma is depicted by the famous German female artist Angelina Kauffmann through the Self Portrait of Torn between Music and Art, an art work she completed in 1791. There have been many art works that have used“music” as their themes, while there are also sections that have made“art” as their study subjects in music history. These studies, following the line of art works to probe into the field of art history, have looked on the two subjects of art history and music history, which have been influencing and pene⁃trating each other, from historic perspective.%美术史和音乐史是互相分开的学问。在音乐与美术领域同时发挥才华的艺术家,如哥特时期活跃的德国女画家安吉里卡·考夫曼( Angelika Kauffmann,1741—1807)在1791年创作的《在音乐和美术之间逡巡的自画像》(诺斯特尔修道院,维克菲尔德)里,受困于两者之间,应该如何抉择的艺术家自身被描绘于作品之中。以“音乐”为主题的绘画作品有很多,音乐史里也包含以“绘画”为研究对象的部分。这些具体研究从历史研究的角度来审视美术史和音乐史这两个学科相互影响与渗透的关系,可以绘画作品为线索,来开展艺术史研究。



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