首页> 中文期刊>浙江理工大学学报(社会科学版) >采矿权延续超期审批默示准予制度研究




行政迟延会给个人、社会和法律体系带来巨大的损害,《行政许可法》第50条规定的行政许可延续超期审批默示准予制度是应对行政迟延的制度安排,在应用于采矿权许可领域时产生了诸多纠纷.《行政许可法》的规定较为原则,采矿权延续审批期限的现有规定具有不确定性和差异性,存在制度层面激励非法采矿的可能性,采矿权延续纠纷司法救济乏力更增加了制度的风险.为了化解制度性风险,应对延续许可审批期限做原则性的统一规定和差异性的分殊规定,同时延长被许可人提出采矿权延续申请的时间,采用有限的默示准予制度.%Administrative delay will result in huge damages to individuals, society and legal system.The implied consent system for overdue examination prescribed in Article 50 of the Administrative Licensing Law deals with administrative delay in licensing procedures.However, the application of implied consent system causes many disputes in mining right licensing, because of the following reasons.To begin with, the present legal provision in the Administrative Licensing Law is so general, and existing provisions about examination deadline of mining right continuation have uncertainty and difference.Besides, the possibility of stimulating illegal mining at institutional level exists.Judicial remedy weakness of mining right continuation disputes further increases institutional risk.To solve the institutional risk, it is required to stipulate continuation licensing examination deadline uniformly and formulate specific regulations for different situations.Meanwhile, the application time period for mining right continuation shall be prolonged.Finally, limited implied consent system shall be applied.



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