首页> 中文期刊>浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版) >微公益:具象化公益的道德内化——浅谈微公益对公众思想道德建设的价值




公益活动由于有着彰显助人为乐品质、体现主体社会责任意识和无私奉献精神而备受社会各界重视。具象化的传统公益活动,因其在诸多场合发挥愈来愈重要的作用,渐渐为公众熟知,但特定的物化要求限制了其涉众的范围和理念的传递。生活化、常态化的微公益,以简易的运作模式和深刻的公益精神理念,改变了人们对公益的传统看法和对公益精神的原始理解,满足了公众对个人价值和社会价值的追求,在持续的公益实践活动中,促使公益理念逐渐内化为实践主体的道德品质。文章从公益理念内化为实践主体道德品质的角度,探讨了微公益活动开展中公益理念内化的可能性、实质与社会价值,以探求微公益对公众思维方式和交往方式的变革产生的价值意义。%Public welfare activity displays the participants' willingness to help others, their consciousness of social responsibility as the main body of the society and selfless dedication spirit, therefore, it is highly thought of by various circles of the society. The concretized traditional public welfare activity has gradually been known by the public, for it is playing an increasingly important role on various occasions. However, the specific requirements of concretization limit the scope of acceptance and transmission of its ideas. Thus, mi- cro-public welfare, which is from life world and normalized, changes people' s original understanding of it and its spirit for its operability and the profound public welfare concepts, and meets the public' s demands for realizing their individual and social values. The participants internalize its concepts over the continuous micropublic welfare activities. In terms of participants' internalization of the concepts of micro-public welfare to become their own moral traits, this paper discusses the possibility and its essence of the internalization, as well as the potential social values, thus further seeking the role of micro-public welfare activity in changing the public' s mode of thinking and way of communication.



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