首页> 中文期刊>浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版) >孟浩然道教信仰探微——从孟浩然坚持'举荐出仕'说起




孟浩然作为以隐士终老的盛唐诗人,并非没有出仕之心,但一来他流露出出仕意愿的时间较晚;二来他一直坚持走举荐的道路,直到年近四十才参加科举,显得与当时年少赴举的风尚格格不入.而且,他后来虽入张九龄的幕府,但旋即请辞.这一连串奇怪的行为,与孟浩然自身的道教信仰有很大关系.从《庄子· 庚桑楚》及王士源《亢仓子》中我们都能找到这系列怪异行为的合理解释.而孟浩然的诗文、姓名以及交游行迹,又为我们提供了不少孟浩然具有道教信仰的直接或间接证据.%As a poet in the glorious age of Tang Dynasty, Meng Haoran was also a recluse until his death.It doesn't mean that he didn't want to be an official;The fact is that,on the one hand,he expressed his will of being an official quite late in his life,and on the other hand,he insisted that he be recommended as an official.In addition, he participated in the imperial examination when he was to be forty years old, which was far away from the fashion of the time,when people participated in the imperial examination at a very early age.Besides these,he worked for Zhang Jiuling for a very short period and left soon.All these strange behaviors were related to his Taoist faith.We may find reasonable explanation for the strange behaviors in Geng Sang Chu of Chuang Tzu and Kang Cang Zi.Meng Haoran's poems,names,and trackways and friends may provide us with evidence of his Taoist faith directly or indirectly.



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