首页> 中文期刊>张家口职业技术学院学报 >在比较中坚定社会主义核心价值观--宗教信仰与社会主义核心价值观关系探析




培育和践行社会主义核心价值观是新形势下引领社会思潮、凝聚社会共识的必然要求。目前宗教升温造成了一定的思想混乱,因而有必要帮助人们澄清模糊认识。宗教与社会主义核心价值观既有契合点又有根本区别:一方面,两者都属于社会意识形态,其产生、发展都有一定的社会根源和历史根源,对社会发展都有积极的推动作用。另一方面,前者属于神学唯心主义世界观,后者是无神论的唯物主义世界观;前者是信仰的低级形式,后者是信仰的高级形式;前者的主导作用是消极和保守的,而后者才是科学、真正促进社会进步的。通过比较,坚定社会主义核心价值观,为推进我国当前主流意识形态传播做一点有益的尝试。%It is the inevitable requirement of leading social thought and gathering consensus in the community to cultivate and practice the socialist core values under the new situation,and it is necessary to help people clarify vague understanding due to current ideological confusion caused by religious warming. There is not only coherence point but also fundamental difference between religion and socialist core values:on the one hand,both belong to the social ideology,which origin and development has certain social and historical roots,having appositive role in promoting social development;on the other hand,the former belongs to the theological world view of idealism,the latter is the atheistic materialist world view;the former is a lower form of faith,but the latter is an advanced form of faith;leading role of the former is passive and conservative,while the latter one is a true and scientifically promotion in social progress. By comparison,the insisting on socialist core values,it is a beneficial attempt to promote the dissemination of current mainstream ideology.



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