首页> 中文期刊>枣庄学院学报 >清初诗人赵进美生平仕宦交游考述




赵进美(1620~1692),擅诗文,能制曲.明崇祯庚辰(1640)进士,与姜垓、宋琬、方以智、陈子龙、宋征庾等辈,以诗名雄视南北.入清后为太常博士,又与龚鼎孳、曹溶齐名.早通二氏,鼎革前后作杂剧《瑶台梦》《立地成佛》,不减张可久、贯云石之韵.顺治年间与丁耀亢、孙廷铨、冯溥等人结社,丁耀亢为其《立地成佛》作跋.王士禛与邹祗谟曾选其小令十四首入《倚声初集》.%ZHAO Jin-mei(1620~1692),is expert in poem and drama.He is the Jinshi of Ming Dynasty Chongzhen thirteen years(1640).He was famous for poetry with JIANG Gai,SONG Wan,FANG Yi-zhi,CHEN Zi-long and SONG Zheng-yu from north to south.He was held a post as Taichang doctor in Qing Dynasty,and was equally famous with GONG Ding-zi and CAO Rong.He was proficient in Buddhism and Taoism in his early years,has creatived operas Yao Taimeng and Li Di Cheng Fo, which the critics said the operas has lingering charm like ZHANG Ke-jiu and GUAN Yun-shi.He was formed an association with DING Yao-kang,SUN Ting-quan and FENG Pu and so on inthe reign of Shunzhi.DING Yao-kang has postscripted with his Li Di Cheng Fo.WANG Shi-zhen and ZOU Zhi-mo have selected his fourteen poems in Yi Sheng Chu Ji.



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