首页> 中文期刊>云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >唐代经学与诗学的时代特征及其关系范式研究




Confucian classics and poetics exhibit different characteristics in different times.The Con-fucian classics of the Tang Dynasty had two characteristics:the unification of the classical and the popular as well as the political inclusiveness through religious integrations.The poetics of the Tang Dynasty also had two characteristics:a shift in development from a close connection between politics and religion to a multi-integration in existence;the integration of the three major religions and the ab-sorption of their essence.The Tang Dynasty was the heyday of the Chinese feudal society,whose Confucian classics and poetics were the best of this kind with their unique relationship paradigm and found expression in their mutual influence in different periods of the Tang Dynasty.It is of great sig-nificance to study the relationship paradigm of the Confucian classics and poetics in the Tang Dynasty for revealing the relationship of politics and religion in those days as well as the relevant aesthetic cri-teria.%经学与诗学在不同时代表现出不同的特征.唐代经学的特征有二:融经典与通俗的统一性与通三教而备政的包容性.唐代诗学的特征也有两点:一是诗学发展呈现从紧联政教到多维共存之势,二是诗学融承三教而兼采其旨.作为中国封建社会盛世顶峰,唐代经学之"经"与诗学之"文"佻汉迩宋,其关系范式独具特征:在初唐表现为经定文炳,盛唐表现为经融文丽,中晚唐表现为以文疗经.研究唐代经学与诗学的关系范式对于观照盛世政教与审美维度具有重要意义.



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