首页> 中文期刊>宜宾学院学报 >《历史与阶级意识》中的“总体”概念




The concept of "population," as understood by Lukács and as observed in the evolution of its meaning,is a composite one characterized by complex and contradiction.At the surface level,it is suggestive of Marxist dialectics,and at the bottom level,it is reminiscent of Hegel's ideology.A study of Lukács' Historyand Class Consciousness shows that his concept of "population" is one of logical development premised on the development of the social being,and therefore is an embodiment of the Marxist principle of historical materialism that social consciousness is decided by the social being.%卢卡奇的"总体"概念是一个复杂的矛盾体:其表层含义有马克思辩证法的意味,其深层含义则有黑格尔思想的痕迹;其逻辑演化的进程,以社会存在为前提,又体现着马克思的社会存在决定社会意识的唯物史观原理。



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