首页> 中文期刊>宜宾学院学报 >言辩与沉默:荀子的言辩思想




Xun Kuang paid high attention to argument theory , saying"a gentleman will argue ."He not only talked about the difference between the gentleman ' s debate and little person ' s, but also concrete aspects such as skills of debate, difficult points, etc.He put forward the idea "although debate, the gentleman does not listen to it", and argued that better saying nothing if it was improper .Furthermore, Xun Kuang who at-tached importance to argument simultaneously proposed the idea of "a gentleman with high virtues could make himself understood immediately even by saying nothing", then the moral cultivation such as "vacuity in quiescence" was achieved .The tendency of Xun Kuang ' s voice changing from weak to silence implies that the key to learn is self cultivation .%荀子十分重视言辩思想,提出"君子必辩",其中不仅讨论了君子之辩与小人之辩的不同,还涉及论辩之技艺、辩说之困难等具体方面. 在"君子必辩"的同时,荀子还言"虽辩,君子不听",认为言之不当礼义时莫若不语. 在重视言辩的同时,荀子又说"君子至德,嘿然而喻",这一论断超越言辩而直指言辩主体自身的德行,从而与"虚一而静"等命题一同突出了修德这一面向. 从"君子必辩"到"君子至德,嘿然而喻",荀子讨论"言辩"的声音越来越小以至于冥冥默默,这个大的趋向也暗示着,为学之关键仍在于学以为己.



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