


古莒国的历史可以一直推溯到史前,因相传其族出于嬴姓的东夷少昊集团,故后世多称其国为嬴姓。古籍或又称其国为曹姓,实是以曹地为中心的一种地域性的划分,大抵相当于曹氏,不是莒国本来的姓号。史书又明确记载西周以来的莒国为己姓,此说应是有根据的,其根源即在莒国与纪国通婚,相因于古代从母姓之俗,用纪国本来的日名“己”表姓,故有己姓之称。所以,对于古莒国公族的姓这一问题,需要联系中国古代姓氏制度的演变来具体分析,不宜作简单的取舍。%The history of the State of Ju can be traced back to the pre -historical period of the ancient China .Since it is said that the clan of Ju is probably a branch of the Shaohao ethnic group or tribe , it is commonly believed that the rulers of Ju have the ancestral name of Ying .It is also recorded in some ancient books that the rulers of Ju may take the ancestral name of Cao , but this is actually a name geo-graphically derived from the place of Cao where some people of Ju inhabit .Hence, Cao can be seen as the clan name of the rulers of Ju , but not their ancestral name .Furthermore , there is a clear historical record that the rulers of Ju have taken the ancestral name of Ji since the Western Zhou .This seems to be reasonable because people of Ju are intermarried with those of the State of Ji , and according to the ancient tradition of taking the name of the mother , the rulers of Ju are very likely to have the ancestral name of Ji, which is the"day-name"(riming) of the rulers of Ji.Therefore, it is not proper to take a hasty po-sition on the problem of the ancestral name of the rulers of Ju , which shall require specific analysis on the basis of the evolution of the Chinese surname system .



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