首页> 中文期刊>徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版) >文艺美学视野中的《文心雕龙》--读张长青先生《文心雕龙新释》




Thirty years ago ,The Interpretations to the Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons coau‐thored by M r .Zhang Changqing and Zhang Huien became one of the most influential popular books of Dragon .Thirty years later ,A New Interpretation to The Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons written by Mr .Zhang Changqing has turned out to be entirely new with the comprehensive interpretations to the fifty original articles both in style ,size and content .Standing consciously under the background of Chinese traditional culture ,adopting especially the traditional ideas of "unity of man and nature",the author clari‐fied the characters of The Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons .He thought that it was a monumental work not only in Chinese ancient literary art aesthetics but also in the cultural history of the world .This global evaluation is a great achievement to the study of The Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons and is worthy of our full appreciation in the study of dragon literature .%30年前,张长青和张会恩先生合著的《文心雕龙诠释》成为当时最有影响的龙学普及读物之一;30年后,张长青先生推出《文心雕龙新释》,全面阐释《文心雕龙》五十篇,无论在体例、规模还是内容上,均已成为焕然一新之作。作者自觉站在中国传统文化的背景下审视《文心雕龙》,特别是以“天人合一”这一传统文化的基本观念和命题为依据,对《文心雕龙》一书的性质作出了明确界定,认为《文心雕龙》“是一部体大思精的文艺美学巨著,不仅在我国古代文艺美学史上是空前绝后的,在世界文化史上也是永放光芒的经典之作”。这一对《文心雕龙》的总体把握乃是近年来《文心雕龙》研究的一个重大收获,是值得我们充分重视的龙学新成就。



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