首页> 中文期刊>许昌学院学报 >一部研究美国对外援助政策的新作——评《美国对印度援助研究(1951—1971)》




Foreign aid is an important component of American diplomatic strategy, and American foreign aid is a hot issue concerned by domestic and foreign scholars. The newly published book A Study on American Aid to In- dia ( 1951-1971 ) written by Dr. You Jianshe makes a deep exploration on the American aid to India from 1951- 1971 based on American diplomatic documents and wide quotation. It objectively outlines the process develop- ment and improvement of American aid to India. Moreover, there are some innovative discussions on American foreign aid policy. Therefore, this book has a higher academic value in researching and interpreting the trend of American foreign aid policy in the Cold War.%对外援助是美国外交战略的重要组成部分,美国的对外援助政策一直是国内外学术界关注的一个热点问题。新近出版的尤建设博士的著作《美国对印度援助研究(1951-1971)》以解密的美国外交档案为基本史料,旁征博引,对1951-1971年美国对印度的援助进行了深入的考察,客观地勾勒出其援助进程的发展和演变的轮廓,对美国对外援助政策的探讨不乏创新之处。尤著对研究和解读冷战期间美国的外交政策走向具有重要的学术价值。



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