首页> 中文期刊>新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版) >俄哈经济合作:发展、制约因素及前景




With the development of the permanent strategic cooperative partnership between Russia and Kazakhstan, the two countries have continuously expanded the area of bilateral economic cooperation. They have signed a series of treaties and agreements in the economic area, which laid a solid law foundation for and promoted their economic cooperation. In the 21st century, their bilateral trade turnover is increasing continuously and their mutual investment is expanding rapidly. Their economic cooperation has acquired remarkable achievements. Despite some restricting factors existing in the process of cooperation, their economic cooperation will be deepened and expanded further owing to the existence of their unified historical economic system, the emphasis made by both presidents and their joint efforts.%伴随着俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦永久战略伙伴关系的发展,两国经济领域合作不断扩大.双方签署了一系列经济领域的条约和协议,为经济合作奠定了坚实的条约法律基础,促进了两国间的经济合作.进入新世纪,双边贸易额不断增加,相互投资迅速扩大,俄哈经济合作取得了令人瞩目的成就.虽然在合作的过程中,存在着一定的制约因素,但是基于俄哈之间历史上统一经济体系的存在、两国总统对经济合作的重视以及双方的共同努力,两国在经济领域的合作将进一步扩大和深化.



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