首页> 中文期刊>新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版) >《荷塘月色》解读的时代文艺特色及启示




《荷塘月色》解读上每个特殊年代的文艺思潮和文艺教育的印记,从不同侧面反映了全面、真实的社会和历史。经典及经典的阐释,是历史的也是当代的,既要倡导文化的多元和体验性阅读,又要反对历史虚无主义式的“过度阐释”,重新审视“知人论世”式传统阅读所带来的“社会性”的繁琐和“文艺性”的不足,本着“育人”与“立人”的高度,以彰显我国的文化传统和时代精神。%Since the publication of the prose”the Lotus Pond by Moonlight”, its interpretations have always carried the marks of literary trend and art education in different times, offering us different perspectives on our society and history. Classic works and their interpretations are both of history and of the time —advocating cultural plurality and experiential reading and at the same time opposing the historical nihilistic over-interpretation, and reviewing the disadvantages of traditional reading which is too much loaded with social understanding but short of literariness. The interpretation of literature should be of educational significance in carrying forward our cultural tradition and spirit of the time.



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