首页> 中文期刊>新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版) >民族是'阶级的暂时表现形式'——中国马克思主义文学批评的民族观研究之一




How to understand and deal with the relationship between nationality and class is an important issue for Chinese Marxism literary criticism in the twentieth Century.Chinese Marxism literary criticism considered that their relationship is the unity of opposites:national literature inevitably has class nature,but not absolutely or wholly.Lit-erary nationality does not negate its class nature,or vice versa.But they are also unified,which means that different classes have the same nationality,nationality and class can be expressed in the opposite discourse and nationality and proletarianism can share the same goal.In the new historical conditions,Chinese Marxism literary criticism must get rid of the thinking of an absolute opposition or immediate unity between nationality and class,make a class analysis of national standpoints from the perspective of globalization and insist on the nature of nationalist socialism and peo-ple-orientation.%中国马克思主义文学批评认为,民族文学必然具有阶级性,不同阶级具有不同的民族性,但并不是"只有"和"全然"是阶级性.肯定文艺的民族性,并不否定它同时具有阶级性,反之亦然.文艺的民族性和阶级性也有统一的一面,不同阶级有共同的民族性,民族与阶级相互转换为对方的话语表达,无产阶级和民族国家具有同谋关系,无产阶级与民族具有共同的利益,它不仅把民族解放视为自己需要完成的任务,而且要通过社会革命从根本上解决民族问题,无产阶级和民族统一于"人民".中国马克思主义文学批评对民族和阶级辩证关系的发现和论证,是由它担负的民族解放和社会革命的双重任务所决定的,过去对民族的阶级内涵的探讨,经过反思后仍有其理论活力,需要摆脱民族与阶级绝对对立和直接同一的思维框架,对全球化下各种形式的民族文化立场作阶级分析,坚持民族主义的社会主义性质和人民导向.



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