首页> 中文期刊>西昌学院学报(社会科学版) >从中唐服饰风尚看韩孟诗派与元白诗派




An Lushan Rebellion is not only the boundary of glorious age of Tang and mid-Tang dynasty, but also that of poems. The poems in mid-Tang dynasty are totally different from those in glorious age of Tang .At first, represented by the style of Dali period of transition, then along with the rise of reform ideas which called for resurgence, poetry also found its new direction. Therefore, Han Meng Poem School which characterized with“strange”and Yuan Bai Poem School which sought for“real”sprung up. The birth of these two groups has their own cultural reasons. Through another perspective of culture, costumes, in the tang dynasty, setting the characteristics in Mid Tang dynasty as a starting point so as to analyze the cultural reason why the two schools, the representatives of another kind of culture in Mid Tang era, are able to develop as well as become thriving. Thus the paper enables us to have a better understanding of them, and then get to know the characteristics and aesthetic temperament and interest of this particular era.%安史之乱的爆发,不仅是盛唐和中唐政治经济的分水岭,也是诗歌的分水岭,中唐的诗歌展现了完全不同于盛唐诗歌的风貌,先是经历了以大历诗风为代表的过渡期,随着渴望中兴的改革观念的崛起,诗歌也寻找到了自己的新方向,出现了以怪奇为特征的韩孟诗派和以尚实为特征的元白诗派,这些诗派的产生有着这个特定时代文化土壤的影响,可以通过文化的另一个视角——服饰,在中唐出现的特色为出发点,探求另一种中唐文化的代表——中唐时期的韩孟、元白诗歌流派,所能够产生和发展壮大的文化风尚原因,能对这两个诗派有一个比较深入的理解,进而了解中唐的时代特色与审美情趣。



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