首页> 中文期刊>湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >早期湘籍无产阶级革命家群体与马克思主义革命道路中国化




In the early process to explore the sinicization of the Marxist revolutionary road,the group of Hunan-born proletarian revo-lutionists insisted on the guide of Marxism and concerned the Chinese domestic conditions. They not only insisted on the way of armed seizure of power which was set up by the October Revolution,but also thought and explored important theoretical and practical problems in the process of sinicization,such as the leadership of Chinese revolutionary path,the main force of the revolution,armed struggle and so on. Thus,they provided abundant thought sources and practical foundation to form the theory of new democratic revolution road and to achieve the victory of the revolution.%在早期探索马克思主义革命道路中国化的过程中,湘籍无产阶级革命家群体坚持马克思主义的指导,注重联系中国国情,既坚持走十月革命开辟的武装夺取政权的道路,同时又在中国革命的领导者、革命主力军以及武装斗争等重大理论和实际问题的中国化过程中作了深入的思考和探索,为新民主主义革命道路理论的形成并取得革命胜利提供了丰富的思想源泉与实践基础.



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