首页> 中文期刊>西安财经学院学报 >论秦人早期青铜器与秦系文字的形成




近年来在天水地区新出土的秦人早期青铜器及其铭文 ,为准确认识秦系文字的形成提供了重要资料.将新出秦人早期青铜器与传世青铜器相结合 ,根据其制作年代考察其铭文的演变 ,则秦人早期青铜器目前所见最早的是秦庄公时的不其簋 ,其次是秦襄公受封建国时所造秦公簋与盄和钟 ,再次是大堡子山秦公诸器.与之对应 ,不其簋铭文表明秦人已经熟练模仿和使用周文字 ,而秦襄公时的秦公簋与盄和钟铭文标志着秦系文字已肇其端 ,中经大堡子山秦公诸器铭文的进一步发展 ,至春秋早期秦景公钟、镈铭文 ,秦系文字已完全形成.%The Bronze wares with inscription ,unearthed inTianshui ,sheds light on the studies in Qin writing system .With reference to the Bronze wares with inscriptions passed down for generations ,we propose that Buqigui wares (不其簋) are the most archaic bronze wares in Qin Dynasty while Qin-gong-gui wares (秦公簋) and Diao-he-zhong wares (盄和钟) in the Feudal period of Qin Ranggong were molded earlier than those wares in the period of Qin Zhuanggong .The inscription of Buqigui shows that Qin People were adept at mimicking and using Zhou writing system in those days .The inscriptions on Qin-gong-gui wares (秦公簋) and Diao-he-zhong wares mark the very beginning of Qin writing system .The maturation of this system was suggested by the inscriptions on the bronze wares unearthed in Dabuzi-shan together with those on the bells unearthed in early Spring and Autumn Period .



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