首页> 中文期刊> 《西安工业大学学报》 >提高除尘效率的最佳温度控制系统的研究




The study is designed to improve the precipitation efficiency . In order to keep the temperature of the dust collecting environment of a high voltage electrostatic precipitator within the range of 140~150 ℃ ,with S7-200 as the core ,the PLC temperature control system is composed by using the algorithm of variable integral PID .Changing the accumulation rate of the integral according to the deviation of the set values can reduce the overshoot considerably and thus keep the control accuracy within the range of ± 0 .5 ℃ ,thus increasing the stability of the system .Its MATLAB simulation and the actual test show that this algorithm has a good performance in the high temperature control .%为了提高除尘效率,使高压静电除尘器的收尘环境保持在140~150℃的温度区间内,以S7-200为核心,采用变速积分PID算法组成PLC温度控制系统,根据设定值偏差大小,改变积分项的累加速度,结果大大减少了超调量,使控制精度保持在±0.5℃范围内,增加了系统的稳定性.经过M atlab仿真与实际测试,验证该算法在电除尘器高温控制环节有良好的控制性能.



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