首页> 中文期刊>西安石油大学学报(社会科学版) >“学术反思”视域下的先秦女性社会地位研究--读《先秦女性社会地位研究》




The book Research on the Female Social Position of Pre - Qin Dynasty deeply discusses the problem of female social position in Pre - Qin Dynasty from the perspective of "academic reflection". The fe-male social position in Pre - Qin Dynasty,formed in history,was the result of different cultures interactions. From tribal society to civilized society,it was these cultural factors that facilitated the stepwise differentiation of male and female social positions. When our society stepped into the period of civilization mature,the society led by the male consolidated the differentiation of sexes social position through the normalization of different system cultures. Under the rule of these cultural criterions,women had identified the sex role given by the female soci-ety with their own. This study presents the outstanding awareness of problems,and its conclusion and research method are of significance in the present study of sex society history.%《先秦女性社会地位研究》一书,从“学术反思”的视域对先秦女性社会地位问题进行了深入的探讨。先秦女性社会地位是历史上形成的,是各种文化要素相互作用的结果。从部落社会到文明社会初期,正是这些文化要素促成了两性社会地位的逐步分化。进入文明成熟期后,男性主导的社会通过各种制度性文化规范巩固了两性社会地位的分化。在这些文化规范制约下,女性已经认同了男性社会所赋予她的性别角色。该项研究具有突出的问题意识,其结论及研究方法对当前性别社会史研究具有一定的启示意义。



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