首页> 中文期刊>西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) >需求导向下城乡居民基础养老金调整方案研究




The present basic pension for the urban and rural residents cannot meet their basic living needs.To address this issue,this study analyses the certainty and necessity of adjusting the basic pension insurance system for the urban and rural residents primarily.Then the goal of the basic pension adjustment is measured by the demand -oriented meth-od using open and transparent data and survey data.Results show that the adjusted monthly basic pension is 1149.15 Yuan per person for the urban residents and 427.16 Yuan per person for the rural residents.Based on these results, three adjustment schemes -slow -to -fast,in -one -step,and goal -oriented,are designed and the feasibility of these schemes is validated in terms of the adjustment mechanism for the basic pension,government financing,and mod-erately expanding basic pension channels for urban and rural residents.%中国现行城乡居民社会养老保险基础养老金水平难以实现“保基本”的制度目标;在分析城乡居民基础养老金调整必要性的基础上,利用公开统计和社会调查数据,以老年居民的基本生活需求为导向,测算基础养老金调整目标;结果显示,至2020年,中国城乡居民基础养老金目标值,在城镇和农村分别为1149.15元/人/月和427.16元/人/月;以此为据,提出了城乡居民基础养老金调整方案及可行性的基础,设计先缓后快、一步到位和立足目标三种调整方案,从合理设计基础养老金调整机制,落实省级财政补助资金,适度拓宽城乡居民基础养老金筹资渠道等方面贯彻落实。



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