首页> 中文期刊>西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) >丝绸之路文化产业带上的跨域文化治理--基于模式基础的战略思考




丝绸之路文化产业带是丝绸之路经济带战略构想的先导机制与文化实践,是迎合全球化趋势的文化竞争合作新载体,并在核心宗旨、物理空间、产业体系和主体关系方面有其内在规定性;丝绸之路文化产业带跨国家、跨行业、跨地区的跨域属性,使得跨域文化治理具有了鲜明的逻辑基础,同时,丝绸之路国家联合申遗的合作实践,使得跨域文化治理具备了事实基础,在此基础上,逻辑基础和事实基础共同构成了跨域文化治理的模式基础;丝绸之路沿线国家应该在战略选择、业态布局和协同竞合维度上进行系统思考与顶端设计,以推动跨域文化治理的理论和实践实现双向提升。%The Cultural Industries Zone of the Silk Road is a cultural practice of the strategic conception for the Silk Road Economic Zone and also a new carrier for cultural competition and cooperation for catering to the globalization trend.The Zone has inherent regularity in the core aim,physical space,industrial system and subject relation.Based on the cross -regional property (i.e.,across countries,industries and regions)of the Cultural Industries Zone of the Silk Road,the cross -regional governance of cultures has a distinct logic foundation.Based on the cooperation between countries along the Silk Road in application for world heritage,the cross -regional governance of cultures is provided with a factual founda-tion.The logic foundation and the factual foundation constitute the mode foundation for the cross -regional governance of cultures.According to this mode foundation,countries along the Silk Road shall carry out strategic thinking and top -end design for strategic selection,business state layout and collaborative competition -cooperation dimension to promote bi -directional improvement in both theories and practices of the cross -regional governance of cultures.



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